Sunday, January 30, 2011

Romper Stompers to the Rescue

Remember Romper Stompers, those those pre-school toys "designed for stomping, clomping, and imaginative play?"  This -->

I didn't.  Never heard of them.

But thanks to Ginger's recollection of these childhood gadgets and her quick thinking, we were able to negotiate the foot of floodwater in the basement that greeted us when we came back from the Stout's New Year's eve party.  (Aidan says, "Me no like floodie."  Thanks Aidan for your input.)

She took two metal cans used for food storage, punched holes in them and laced in rope to fashion homemade Romper Stompers.

Ginger was able to diagnose that the water wasn't coming from the hose feeding the washing machine, and then went stomping around assessing the rest of the damage.

I'm thinking about selling them on this website under an "Emergency Preparedness" category.  Anyone need a used pair?  Funner than boots, I hear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay so what I was thinking the whole time was, "Why was Ginger the one risking her life trying to find the cause of the problem?" hahahaha! Why wasn't Ken, the man of the house, the one in the water! Huh Ken? What's going on? Hahaha J/K! But no really why? Is this a chinese thing? hahahaha!

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