Sunday, May 22, 2011

7 x 13 = 28

The Chicago Heights ward held a Talent Expo last night, and we had a blast!   And for once, it just wasn't the food that brought us.  (Though you can't beat sloppy joes.)

We watched a grown man dominate a child half his height in fencing; a man pound a sledgehammer into another man's chest;  and many other sights (a girl magically appeared), sounds (piano, guitar and accordion) and smells (homemade aftershave).

What did we do, you ask?

Aidan and I, with the help of bishop Novak, performed the Abbott and Costello skit "7 x 13 = 28."

The skit allowed Aidan to showcase his talent for math without being pretentious.

Abbott & Costello performed in the 1940s and 1950s and created the famous baseball skit "Who's On First?"  I ran into their stuff on YouTube, and encourage you to check them out!

Aidan is Lou Costello; I'm Budd Abbott; and Bishop Novak is the landlord.  Lou owes the landlord seven weeks of room rent at $13/week.  Lou claims he only owes $28 in rent.  Huh?  Find out how Lou's crazy mind works by watching this video.

(Thanks to Ginger Li for the fine filming and steady hand.)

For one version of the routine, the one which we based our skit on, click here.

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